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April 26, 2004


Great recipe. thank you for sharing it.

it's also spelled hummus, or hoummus, or hoummous.

Hi. The recipe was delicious. I want to make some for our local craft sale here in Canada. Some questions - 1)I will sell them in simple plastic containers bought from the store. How long will the hummous last kept in the fridge after sale if I make it the night before? I'll need to tell them. 2) The sale lasts from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Can I keep the open sample on the table for people to taste for this entire time period? I thought I would keep containers for sale in a cooler.
Thank you for your help...Marilyn

my email address re the above questions is [email protected]

You have a great collection of recipes...than you for sharing. i just wanted to pass by and thank you also for the link for the land and people link...its a great blog too! have a wonderful day.

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