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July 16, 2004


Thank you for this recipe. Here in San Diego I shop in the many Arab vegetable markets for the great fresh produce+. Today I bought lubia and needed help. This is such a great store...also bought the huge pita bread freshly baked there. The old woman rolls out the dough to the size of a pizza, puts it on a cloth covered lid (sort of) and puts it inside the deep oven to bake. I had this before but only in a village in Israel. To be honest I am Jewish and still have hopes for peace there. Anyway, food is a connector and I see many common things in it. We are lucky here to get the Persian/Mid Eastern cucumbers here too. Anyway, thanks and if it is still Ramadan have a good fast.

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My name is Suzy and I stumbled on your blog looking for Lebanese style pita bread to buy since my local store stopped carrying it. My father is British/American and my beautiful mother is Lebanese. I was born and raised in Lebanon and moved to the States in 1988. I produce and host a Lebanese cooking show on the public access station in asheville NC and youtube, you can search Gypsy Queen Cuisine, my mom has called me a Gypsy since I was a little girl, I guess I act like one sometimes :-). Please watch my show and maybe you can put my link on your blog. I miss my country and my people. shoukran and ma alsalama.

I had a taste for Lebanese green beans and googled them. This is such a well-presented recipe, with real style and grace. Thanks.

Just after I started blogging, I popped into your blog while I was researching "beans" quite funny! Such an interesting blog. I am new to all this but would like you to have a look on our blog and give advices if possible.
Hello to Amal and Yousef !


i just moved from new york where i had wonderful egyptian and libanese groceries in my neighborhood. as i love to make couscous with stews i was a frequent customer there and am looking to find some stores in san diego where i can buy spices and perhaps even once in a while merguez. does anyone have suggestions for me where i can find some groceries there? (i will be driving from mexico, so as easier accessible from interstate 5, as better). thanks for any input.
best, iris

Hi Leila
Thanks for this recipe. It is absolutely delicious.

Thank you for this write-up. I really like this dish and was looking for someone to confirm what I remembered. I forgot the allspice. A Palestinian college friend made this for a dinner party we were hosting 25 years ago, and she cooked it for hours. I've discovered over time that I can cook it in a pressure cooker and have similar results in about 30 minutes. Also, frozen green beans work fine, and are much quicker to cook if you defrost them in the microwave. Good eating, and a great way to have a nourishing vegetable dish.

Great blog. I came across your page whilst looking for the green beans recipe, a favourite of mine, and in my Lebanese cookbook but the computer was closer :) I shall seek out the Deborah Madison recipe book too. Peace Peace Peace.

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