The picture looks like good news: The New York Times > International > International Special > Clerics Fighting a Gay Festival for Jerusalem. Leading clerics from all three religions in Jerusalem, bonding over a common concern. That's the good news.
The bad news is, they're gay bashing.
"Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, co-chairwoman of the festival and the rabbi of Congregation Beth Simchat Torah, a gay synagogue in New York City, said the controversy was another sign that each religion had become polarized between its liberal and conservative wings.""I reject that they have the right to define religion in such a narrow way," Rabbi Kleinbaum said of religious leaders who denounce homosexuality. "Gay and lesbian people are saying we are equal partners in religious communities, and we believe in a religious world in which all are created in God's image."
The Dove is a married heterosexual mother of sons and she says hear, hear.