Unfortunately, a flame war/heated discussion has arisen on one of my email listservs regarding the question "where are the Muslims who denounce terror?"
It's a spurious question. All you have to do is google Muslim Denunciations of Terror and you get about 115,000 links.
Start here: North American Muslim Scholars Issue Edict (fatwa) Against Terrorism.
Terrorism Repugnant To Islam: Muslim Summit
Read Juan Cole's roundup of Muslim responses to Osama Ben Laden - an answer to a mendacious Thomas Friedman column.
Muslim American Society Calls for End to Terror
Muslims Against Terrorism - a website with information about Islam, discussions of prohibitions against suicide bombing and terrorism in Islam, and links to more info.
Muslim blogosphere reacts to London bombings (2005)
No to Terrorism features anti-terrorist photos and placards sent in by regular folks, most of them seemingly Arab and/or Muslim. I think this blog started after the London blasts, then picked up more entries after the triple bombing in Jordan recently.
And so forth. Next time you hear somebody ask where the Muslim denunciations of terror are, send them these links.