Eating my words Part II.
Because my little swipe at blogging fast food in Kuwait seems to point directly to somebody everybody knows (whereas I can't even remember the blog, I was just picking on a starkly remembered image), I want to eat my words again.
I have nothing against blogging food. If you go here you will see my own food blog, and if you go here you will read my food posts on the usenet, which is what foodie computer geeks used to do before blogging was invented. Some of my dearest friends blog food, see here .
I admit, I am a bit of a food snob, so I turn up my nose at fast food, but I believe in the democracy of Blog World more than I believe in my food prejudices. You have a right to blog about fast food! You have a right to be a Lebanese expatriate anywhere in the world and blog about fast food! Your fast food blog has a right to be aggregated along with sexual fantasy blogs, political blogs, and I'm-so-stressed-over-final-exam blogs!
My original point was merely, if readers of Dove's Eye View want to find out about the Lebanese political situation, they might get a bit ... lost ... if they go over to the Lebanon's Blogs site. RamPurple kindly admits the truth of this observation. The site is invaluable, and it does not have the capacity to sort by category at the moment.
Mr. Kuwait Fast Food Blogger, you have all my respect, and please don't take offense at any of my previous remarks. How else would I know about pizza and baked potatos in the Gulf if it weren't for your posts? Seriously, this kind of thing broadens my understanding of what Kuwait is like. Thank you. And keep blogging your food obsessions!