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December 08, 2006


Hi there!

In regards to the aggregator, I have considered categorizing so that if you are looking for politically related posts you can only see those, if you are looking for poems then you can see those, etc.
It is not an easy task since so far I only found a way to do so with participating wordpress blogs. Unfortunately most of the Lebanese bloggers are on blogspot.

Until then, Lebanon's Aggregator will simply be an aggregator of all the Lebanese blogs.

Dearest Rampurple - I did not intend to slam the aggregator at all. You are doing a great service, and I really appreciate it. Your aggregator has brought hundreds of new voices to the world.

I just mean that I don't want to point my readers to it for political info. It's dizzying to sort through all the blogs.

Categorizing would be great. Perhaps others who are better at tags and such can help us with suggestions for how to search your aggregator.

Again, thank you Rampurple for your great effort in bringing us the blogs of Lebanese at home and abroad. I think it's great, and while I do get tired of Kuwaiti Lebanese blogging their fast food lunches, I understand that the purpose of the aggregator is to publish all the voices, banal and profound alike. It's our job to sift through them.

I know it wasn't a slam :)

I was just explaining. I do understand your issue and I have already considered it.

As for the Lebanese bloggers in Kuwait, I know who you are talking about and well... no comment hehehe.

I am glad you are enjoying this service. If anyone does have any suggestions I would be more than happy to receive them.


A Beirut friend who I think might be, very roughly, characterized as a supporter of General Aoun, shared her perspective on the demonstrations.

Just one more source of input for those of us far away.

Thanks for the information on Lebanese blogs! I am hoping that the citizens of the USA will eventually take their cue from the Lebanese and begin a similar protest against aginst king george! http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/12/9/12355/9093

Dale - glad it helps you, and thanks for dropping by.

Jan - thank you for the link. I am ambivalent about General Aoun, as with most of the players in Lebanese politics.

Also, Mousa Bachir of Ur Shalim tried to post here but the spam catcher doesn't like him - anybody else having that problem? email me at leilasab a t yahoo dot com.

Mousa was ill and then became very busy, so he stopped blogging for a time. Feel better, Mousa!

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