We need to speak clearly. Bush's plans for Iran include the possibility of nuclear war. America might strike first. George Lakoff makes it plain: The Words None Dare Say: Nuclear War | The Huffington Post.
Bunker busters. Do you really think they are going to be harmless? Lakoff says they'll poison aquifers far away from the point of entry. Is that okay with you, or do you hate Iranians so much that you don't care?
It's not just a moral question, it's a question of our survival as a species. First strike nukes will not keep America (or Lebanon) safe.
Let me say this: I don't believe the recent "evidence" of Iranian involvement in producing Iraqi bombs. Even if it were true, as Lakoff asks - do roadside bombs that blow up Humvees warrant nuclear war?
Let me also say: this casual talk of CIA "black ops" in Lebanon makes me sick to my stomach and ready to renounce my motherland, the USA. We are already doing black ops in Iran to try to destabilize that country. It's unconscionable and it doesn't really work. Remember Mossadeq? In 1953 in Iran, the CIA bombed people, blamed it on Communists, and set off street riots, toppling a democratically elected, PRO-WESTERN leader. So they got the Shah in as dictator, but he only lasted 25 years and good riddance.
Black ops in Lebanon. Think about what that implies. CIA black ops in Lebanon. I'm not going to spell it out. My Lebanese readers know what this suggests. Shame. Shame. Shame.
America's current leaders are sick, deluded and foolish, and any Lebanese who believe that such people will protect them or help them are just delusional.