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August 22, 2007


Hope your first day went well. I read Hope this past winter - it was one of my favorite books. Have you ever read Amin Maalouf? http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_b/002-7993881-1288838?initialSearch=1&url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Amin+Malouf&Go.x=16&Go.y=11&Go=Go

Good luck!

I've never taught at a community college, but from what I've heard & read, the students are more serious because they are there because they *want* to be there, and are *paying* to be there; in fancy colleges, students are there because it's expected (they may want to, they may not) and their tuition is frequently paid by their parents. I'm curious what your take on this is.


I'm teaching an evening class -the only evening section of 1A at my college. Many students are employed; they are older than the usual 18 year olds; and they do seem very, very motivated. Finishing English 1A means getting the license they need to practice acupuncture in the USA, or finishing their degree in Criminal Justice so they can become a police officer, or completing requirements to get into UC.

I'm motivated to make the course really good because I know they mostly want to go on to four year colleges. I feel a responsibility to prepare them as well as I can. It's going to be a learning process for all of us.

Oh yes, by the way, sorry I skipped answering the first post - yes I have read Amin Maloof, some - like Leo Africanus long ago. I own The Crusades Through Arab Eyes and am intending to read it. Soon, soon.

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