Rep. Barbara Lee introduced legislation in January to stop Bush's plans for Iran. Her spokesperson told me this morning that the bill, HR 770, is in the Foreign Affairs Committee: THOMAS (Library of Congress).
H.R.770 Title: To prohibit the use of funds to carry out any covert action for the purpose of causing regime change in Iran or to carry out any military action against Iran in the absence of an imminent threat, in accordance with international law and constitutional and statutory requirements for congressional authorization. Sponsor: Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9] (introduced 1/31/2007) Cosponsors (17)
I called Speaker Pelosi's office right afterward to urge her to support this bill.
Of course, Bush and Co. are planning to argue that an imminent threat exists. They claimed the same in the run-up to the Iraq war. We told you then that Iraq would be the mess it is today, that it would not be a cakewalk and that we would be there for years. We also told you then that Iraq was not connected to 9/11 and had no real power to hurt the USA. We were right on all counts.
If you are an American voter and you still believe in our democratic principles, call your representatives today and urge them to support HR770. Get it out of committee to the floor for a vote, and secure similar legislation in the Senate.
Upon researching the House Foreign Affairs committee, I find that neighboring California Rep. Tom Lantos is its head. He "welcomes" the call to brand Iran's Revolutionary Guards a terrorist organization - a BushCo maneuver to create a casus belli for war, in my opinion. It may be difficult to get this bill past Lantos. Call him anyway and let him know how you feel.
Nancy Pelosi's office will need to hear from you, too. California voters especially, make yourselves heard. You are her constituents even if you don't live in SF. She may want to run for Senate one day.
I just want to say that I feel like I can't do anything to stop bush or help in any way.
What should I do. I am so busy trying to make ends meet that getting on the street is just too hard. I don't have the money to spend to get down there.
what can I do on line, everyone has time for beign on line. what can I do.
Billy harris
Posted by: Billy Harris | September 11, 2007 at 06:30 AM
PIck up your phone and call your congressperson and senators. Tell them to negotiate with IRan and Syria. It worked with North Korea. Bombing will make things worse for all of us.
If you have time to go online, you have time to make a phone call. Don't email your representatives. They don't really bother with email but they take calls seriously.
Posted by: Leila | September 11, 2007 at 07:30 AM