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September 22, 2008


I'm so happy to hear about your trip to Lebanon. When will you be traveling?

Hello friend
I came across your stuffed cabbage recipe as i was googling and started reading your blog. I havent come across many people of Arab decent who want peace or even understand what peace means.
I personally have seen real peace only in the form of those who believe in Yeshua (Jesus) mostly from a tangable spirit of real truth real love. We cant comprehend what peace is because of our world view and because the media for one shapes the way we think instead of being objective. Obama & election coverage is a good example.
You remind me of my wife a little.
She loves to write and is presantly writting about a hassidic man coming to faith in Jesus. Anyway I think that people who crave peace will see it. But I also believe that there is only one door thru which that peace is achieved. My Jewish brothers are blind to this and so are thier Arab brothers. May the Lord bless you and free you from cancer!

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