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September 12, 2008


The fact that he was still a member of the CP in 1977 alone should have tipped you all off. All the good ones left when they realized Stalin's crimes.

Then again, my dad is still a Stalinist. I think there are about 3 of them left. In the world.

Well, what did I know, I was only fifteen. My dad, well, he's not here for me to ask him. I think he was always willing to set aside people's politics and beliefs if they wanted to be friends.

Later on they had a bit of a falling out, because my Dad was working to elect Jimmy Carter in '80 and Sobell thought he was "selling out." But even later, in the 2000s, I believe my Dad went to see Sobell in San Francisco.

Hey, I have friends (and relatives) of all different political persuasions. People are people and politics, well, that's just a bunch of ideas.

Really good supplement to Louis Proyect's post.

I don't believe the Rosenberg's were innocent, but I don't know if there is such a thing as the one secret?

wasnt it ethel's brother who implicated her?

"If you ever wonder why I walk the middle of the road and refuse to be counted among the true believers in any cause, look at this story. Such an episode might have made a neo-conservative out of some people of my generation but I don't go for opposite extremes, either. Life is complicated and nobody is a total hero, nor is any cause or movement totally just and pure."

cockeyed statement. there are pure causes and there are evil causes.

the palestinians have a just cause and any means they use is justified. the iraqis and afgans are justified in what they do against the usa - in afgan, iraq or in usa if they choose.

Amen to that about Dick Cheney. Sobell & Rosenberg may have been deluded & perhaps even fools in misplacing their faith & trust in Soviet Communism, but at least they HAD moral values no matter how attenuated they might have been. What values do Cheney & his ilk have other than the naked exercise of power & brute force in furtherance of supposed U.S. interests?

"...values do Cheney & his ilk have other than the naked exercise of power & brute force in furtherance of supposed U.S. interests?"

the interests of the "ilk" are israel and furtherance of jewish power.

my comment didnt post??

"What values do Cheney & his ilk have other than the naked exercise of power & brute force in furtherance of supposed U.S. interests?"

the interests of the ilk are furtherance of israel's and jewish power.

Sobel remained a victim of the Soviet demagogy.

We should sympathize with such good men, without endorsing his narrowminded views.

I am equally very disturbed by the hateful remarks of other Jewish-Americans, prejudiced against the whole nation of Israel, and against the whole United States of America.

How can all these narrowminded individuals, your fellow bloggers stay outside of humanity, when such decent people like Leila blogs along them?

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