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October 19, 2008


I use cheesecloth - put the yogurt in the cloth. Tie it with string or elastic band and stick a few skewers through the top and balance over a large bowl overnight. In the morning we have delicious cheese.

This isn't in response to the food but about the book Unveiled. I am Deborah Kanafani and somehow I came upon the comments you wrote in which you were fearful that my book portrayed Arab men as villians.
I wanted to let you know that I am a Lebanese American and my book has many wonderful Arab men in it! I am as frustrated with the media as you are because although my book does address the loss of my children on the West Bank under the Sharia it also tells of many wonderful men. I vsisited very courageous wives of Arab leaders and they told me their stories fo the book. I wrote about life under occupation for Palestinians and about grass roots peace efforts. Unfortunately the media and markets like to dramatize this one part of my book because people will listen. I have fought for a different approach..but I'm only the author..so they don't really care. My website is www.deborahkanafani.com. Your recipies look great!

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