A rabbi and Korean war veteran parses the propaganda on Gaza and this latest war. The term "lies" is his, not mine.
London Review of Books · Henry Siegman: Israel’s Lies.
Hat tip Colonel Patrick Lang, who is a friend of Siegman's and calls him one of the just. He has archived the article here.
We need to assert reality in the face of lies if we are to construct a just and lasting peace. I am sorry to continue to harp on these lies but in the face of such destruction, I feel I must keep reminding the world of the truth.
I love Siegman. Another of his pieces in the LRB that is a must-read:
The Great Middle East Peace Process Scam
Posted by: Judy | January 23, 2009 at 04:20 AM
Thanks very much for the links to Henry Siegman's recent work.
And there's no need to apologize for holding Israel to account for its shameful disregard for the welfare of Gazan civilians. The facts are out, and I believe that enough of us are continuing the public criticism to have an impact.
Posted by: Leslie | January 25, 2009 at 05:51 PM