I have known for 11 days now that I will not need to return to chemo. A full body Pet CT Scan taken January 13 shows that everything is stable and oral medication will continue to be my treatment. This is huge news, and I thought I would share for those of you concerned with my health.
My strength builds weekly and I have energy to do all kinds of activities; this means I spend less time in bed, and much less time online.
What about this blog?
My twelve-year-old self stood on a rooftop in South Lebanon in 1974 watching Israeli planes bomb Ain-el-Helweh. During times of crisis that twelve-year-old self emerges, shouting to the skies: this is wrong! It must stop! You don't understand what you are doing! You aren't making yourself safer and you're killing people who don't deserve to die!
Last week while reading the blogs on Israel's disastrous assault on Gaza, I realized: I don't have to keep trying to convince "them" anymore. Many, many more people "get it" than ever have in my lifetime. I haven't convinced everybody. I haven't convinced the men (and women) who give the orders to the fighter pilots and tank commanders. Lord knows if I've even convinced a single person who didn't already agree that killing people just creates more killing.
But one thing about this tragic war in Gaza: it has changed the climate. More people are waking up and realizing that war is not the answer in Palestine, Lebanon, Israel.
I'm not shutting down the blog but I am going to post less often. I am also going to focus more on the reality we want to create: peace and justice in Palestine, Israel, Lebanon - and America. Rather than focusing on the problems, focus on the solutions, the positive outcomes we want to see. I will post links to the many blogs, news organizations and non-profits that tell us what our mainstream media outlets overlook about the reality in Palestine - but I will devote my posts again to signs of hope, to visions for the world we want.