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January 11, 2009


Blessings to you and your family.

My socialization here in the US inclined me to give unthinking support for Israel.

However, researching the history of Western colonialism, and the creation of Israel, I have come to the conclusion that the fanatical US and Israeli policy is to engage gradual ethnic cleansing.

The historical record is simply too obvious to ignore.

The US political psyche is infused with the will to ethically eradicate any group that would stand in the way of its designs for territory and venal glory.

The people that support US imperialism really are the terrorists. That may sound strong, but it is true. The glossing over the murder of civilians is almost second nature, like breathing.

Witness the way Hiroshima and Nagasaki are rationalized to US school children. People don't give it a second thought.

A small percentage of the US public don't fall for the police state authoritarianism, or the nazi-like wars and outright theft.

Just one minor correction Leila. Avi Shalim was actually born in Baghdad and came to Israel as a child where he spent his formative years.

Great article.I have come to the conclusion that the fanatical US and Israeli policy is to engage gradual ethnic cleansing.

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