Hello, and thanks for dropping by Dove's Eye View. Today many new people are visiting because of a comment I made at Mark Bittman's excellent food blog, Bitten.
I've been blogging signs of hope for peace in the Middle East for the last five years. I also post recipes, because when there's no hope left, you can always make dinner.
If you came by looking for the red lentil soup recipe, here it is.
My basic lentil soup, evolved from the old New York Times Vegetarian cookbook.
This blog is a mishmosh of musings on food, environment, and culture, with politics thrown in. I used to focus a lot more on the politics, but to protect my health, which is ... challenged ... I have to detach from the news. You'll find the sources I like on Middle East affairs in my sidebar. My real purpose is to affirm that whatever the appearance of discord, conflict, or outright evil, good always exists, and it's our job to focus on it. What you put your attention upon grows.
I am working on a series of posts about positive emotions and dealing with crisis, so please check back within the next week. Food posts are only part of Dove's Eye View.