Obama to Palin: 'Don't Mock the Constitution' | The Trail | washingtonpost.com.
"Don't mock the Constitution. Don't make fun of it. Don't suggest that it's not American to abide by what the founding fathers set up. It's worked pretty well for over 200 years."
Obama says habeas corpus, the right to know the charges against you and have your day in court, is the foundation of Anglo-American law. But that kind of talk is elitist lawyer stuff, says the GOP.
Hat tip Arun, who posted in comments at Sic Semper Tyrannis (Colonel Patrick Lang). The thread asked the question: Is the President a kind of king? I learned a great deal from the article and comments, and you may want to read it all if the question interests you.
I believe our republic and Constitution are in jeopardy. This election marks a turning point in our recent history. Please educate yourselves on the bigger issues, the founding principles of the United States.