While Bush fiddles and the world burns, citizens have been organizing via the internet to create and implement an energy plan that will alleviate many of our most pressing problems: Energize America.
Energize America is a comprehensive and compelling 20-point plan developed by informed citizen activists to wean the U.S. from its fossil fuel addiction and provide the U.S. with Energy Security by 2020, and Energy Freedom by 2040.
2. What are Energize America’s goals?
By 2020, Energize America will enable the U.S. to:
* reduce both oil imports and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 50%,
* generate 25% of our electricity from renewable sources, and
* create 2M new energy-related American jobs and save 1M ‘at-risk’ auto jobs.
The Dove is the daughter of an engineer and firmly believes that good old-fashioned ingenuity, technical and organizational, can solve our climate change and energy problems. I also worked in economic development in my 20s and I happen to believe that solving energy and climate problems will create new jobs. I live in Northern California. We are rich because we follow our visions to new technology, no matter how much the dinosaurs complain.
Read about the High Speed Passenger Rail Acthere:
Energize America has been working on draft legislation to help America reach energy security in the face of peak oil and our over-dependence on the Middle East, and to address concerns about global warming through efficiency and energy alternative measures. This week saw the delivery of several legislative proposals to congress. Among the commentary and responses there has been one issue that stood out to me: increasing support for rail, both passenger and freight.
The following is a first draft of a new "High Speed Passenger Rail Act", based on Act V - "The Passenger Rail Restoration Act" of Energize America version 5.
The High Speed Passenger Rail Act - Background
Energy Implications
Passenger air travel in the US in 2005 got about 45 passenger-miles per gallon of fuel [thanks to freelunch for the correction!], emitting 140 million tons of CO2 in total (1). Passenger cars on highways traveled over 1.5 trillion miles with an average of 1.59 occupants, at about 44 passenger-mpg, emitting about 750 million tons of CO2. Both air and automobile are heavily dependent on liquid fuels whose future supply is uncertain.
Successful high-speed rail systems, implemented in Japan and Europe, particularly the French TGV system, run on electricity with an efficiency equivalent to 300 to 500 passenger-mpg. And electric power is the easiest form to generate from new energy sources such as wind and solar energy. High-passenger-load high-speed rail would dramatically reduce the impact of the passenger transportation sector on energy consumption and CO2 emissions.
If you are a Daily Kos member (free sign-up), you may comment on the draft. This legislation as well as the Energize America plan were developed collectively through blog comments such as the ones you will read. While the Republicans are complaining, dragging their feet, and fighting useless wars to secure dwindling oil supplies, regular citizens are busy creating solutions - on their own time.