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I put a little plain yogurt on it. Don't know what you call this combo of North American "wild rice", Arab yogurt, and Arab black-eyed peas and spinach. I call it good....

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Drain beans and add to spinach mixture, heat through. (I added spinach to beans - the frying pan was getting too full). I also added the juice of half a lemon

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I made a wild rice blend using the drained blackeyed pea liquid and some dried shiitake mushrooms. The rice mix is sold bulk and contains wild rice, brown rice short and long, and maybe something else.

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Drain beans and add to spinach mixture, heat through. (I added spinach to beans - the frying pan was getting too full). I also added the juice of half a lemon - it could have used a little more.

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I made a wild rice blend using the drained blackeyed pea liquid and some dried shiitake mushrooms. The rice mix is sold bulk and contains wild rice, brown rice short and long, and maybe something else.

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I made a wild rice blend using the drained blackeyed pea liquid and some dried shiitake mushrooms.

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Drain beans and add to spinach mixture, heat through. (I added spinach to beans - the frying pan was getting too full).

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Don't know what you call this combo of North American "wild rice", Arab yogurt, and Arab black-eyed peas and spinach. I call it good....

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Drain beans and add to spinach mixture, heat through. (I added spinach to beans - the frying pan was getting too full). I also added the juice of half a lemon

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it could have used a little more. I thought about adding fresh cilantro to the spinach - my Lebanese auntie from Maghdouche would. Next time.

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